ROS 2.0 Embedded

Open Source

TinyDDS Tinq
Footprint 36 KB 600 KB (needs to be stripped)
ARM bare-bones support No Needs work
FPGA support No No
Open Source License BSD Clear BSD


Taken from

TinyDDS is an open-source and standards-based publish/subscribe middleware for wireless sensor networks. Compliant with the Object Management Group (OMG)’s Data Distribution Service (DDS) specification, TinyDDS is designed and implemented generic enough to aid in developing a wide range of event detection and data collection applications.

TinyDDS is currently implemented in nesC, a dialect of the C language, for the TinyOS platform as well as in Java for the SunSPOT platform.


Tinq (branch of Qeo) includes an open source DDS implementation writen in plain C and licensed as Clear BSD. Although it was coded for general purpose OSs, the code interfaces are nicely separated which might allow to easily port it to embedded platforms.
